Tuesday, November 26, 2013

NPCs attacking, projectiles in flight

I've been at work, though the screenshot above doesn't display much difference. Things that are more or less working now:
  • resting - for PCs, this heals one point of damage
  • attack (melee) - PCs and NPCs can attack neighboring hexes. Does one point of damage (for now)
  • attack (ranged) - PCs can attack distant hexes. The to hit calculation is rolling less than (or equal to?) 5-range. This will be revisited, sometime.
  • character defeat - when a character reaches 0 hp, that character is removed from the board, no longer contributing to visibility, no longer accepting movement orders.
  • character movement animating - instead of blinking from hex to hex, characters now slide from location to location.
  • arrows animating - when PCs shoot at enemies, a projectile sprite moves across the board. This wasn't terribly difficult, but it's new functionality that wasn't in The Cave of the Rat King, the game I made back in June of 2012, which I'm gradually rebuilding and extending. It's nice to have functionality beyond the original game.
  • NPC ranged attacks - For NPCs that have ranged attacks, I need to calculate line of sight to potential PC targets. That should be easy; I've got visibility calculations already. 
  • character hopping movement - back in The Cave of the Rat King, characters had a "hopping" movement that I like. It reminds me of moving playing pieces on a boardgame. 
  • zooming interrupting camera movement - if you fiddle with the scroll wheel during a camera animation, things get messed up. Maybe I disallow that. Or maybe I let it go - it's unsightly, but it goes away.
  • PC weapons - right now, all PCs have melee weapons, all PCs have the ability to shoot arrows. This should be changed so that the fighter character has a sword to use in melee, the archer has a bow to shoot arrows at range, and the mage has a staff to cast fireballs.
  • context-sensitive cursors - it would help the player if I told them what the default action is when clicking on a hex. I'm intending to do this by placing a cursor under the mouse, or centered in the hex that the mouse is over, or something.
  • movement queue - having a dotted line indicating where the character is queued to go would help understand what's going on.
  • highlighting current character - I keep having trouble knowing what character is waiting for orders. Placing a circle underneath, to indicate the current character is easy (I've done it before).
  • combat log - I imagine having a pane on the right side of the screen reporting messages about combat and whatnot. Probably inspired most directly by Bard's Tale, this would give me a little more opportunity to tell the player what's going on.
  • retreat (flee) - there are "retreat" hexes marked on the map; PCs and NPCs ought to be able to retreat from combat. 
  • level win/loss - defeating all the NPCs ought to trigger a win condition. Retreating all your PCs or having them all defeated ought to trigger a lose condition. Currently, the game spins, getting "rest" orders from NPCs if all the PCs are gone.
  • NPCs pursuing PCs around corners - right now, NPCs forget all about any PCs that they lose line of sight with. That turns out not to be very good, especially if an NPC needs to pathfind around an obstacle that blocks line of sight.
  • more levels - creating more levels ought to be straightforward, but I probably won't have time enough to make the 10 levels I had in mind.

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