Saturday, November 30, 2013

Enemies shoot back, Selection cursor

The guy with the sword in the screenshot above is about to take an arrow, shot by the rat archer in the far left.

There's quite a lot still to do for this version. The One Game A Month Website allows a few days of slack at the beginning of the next month to finish up a project, and I'm probably going to make use of that this time around, getting some more big features into this game.

Still on the TODO list:

  • doors that open and close - would be nice, probably won't happen for this month
  • NPCs retreating from the map - low priority, but it'd be nice to see them flee from you.
  • NPCs pathfinding to get good ranged attacks - right now, an NPC with a ranged attack will use it if there are targets within 5 hexes (or, maybe 4 hexes, depending on how my visibility code is working). If it can't find any good targets to shoot at, it'll find a path to a valid target, and follow that path. But what it should be doing is finding a path to a good shooting position, which might be behind something that blocks movement, but not visibility. Hm, the right way to do that would be to calculate visibility from the potential target, and pathfind into the target's visibility range.
  • enemies being created by a data-driven factory - all games need rat factories. Right now, I create all the NPCs with the same constructor, then for the archers, I set a flag afterwards, indicating that they have a ranged attack. Better would be to have a description saying what kind of attacks the new NPC will have, and how many hit points.
  • NPC memory - NPCs will pathfind into darkness, which is good, but when they get into darkness, they forget that they were on a path to the PCs, so they just stop.
  • Combat Log - The old Bard's Tale scrolling log thing, this would indicate that a player took damage, or dealt damage, or maybe communicate messages about the level ("you hear scratching noises ahead").
  • Effects - when an attack lands, I could have a splash of red superimposed on the target, briefly. When a character heals, I could have some other effect.
  • Fireball - the guy carrying the staff needs a separate attack
  • Proper PC attack, limited by class - the fighter should only get melee attacks, the archer should only get ranged attacks, the mage should only get magic attacks. Except that the mage should probably be able to do a melee attack, in a pinch. Maybe also the archer. But the fighter doesn't have a bow, and shouldn't be firing arrows.
  • context-sensitive cursor cues - I want to help the player know what actions are possible on each hex. I may not get that done in this version.
  • Game Over - if one side is defeated, I should show this.
  • Balance - right now, the party is way overmatched. The cautious player will make use of visibility to snipe from distance and rest up before re-engaging, which is good, but doesn't feel like really engaging the enemies.
  • More levels - the plan was to have 10 levels for this month. I'll be happy to have a single level working well.

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