Sunday, November 17, 2013

A* (pronounced "ay-star")

... like the lovechild of Fonzie and Ringo.

I finally got around to replacing my really bad BFS pathfinding with A*, which had only slightly more code. I did have to do some debugging to get it working, but that's still me being clumsy with JavaScript.

If you go to you can try it out for yourself. A few caveats:

  • I've already talked about some of the surprising effects of the visibility calculation. Visibility seems to be working as I designed it, with entire hexes blocking visibility or not, which doesn't look right if you're looking along walls, for instance. I have some ideas to fix it, but many of them are pretty sweeping, so I don't plan to change this right away.
  • The pathfinder doesn't know what you've explored, so if you can see a hex, the pathfinder will route you there, even if you haven't explored a path to it yourself. That's something I do intend to fix.
  • This all will probably change as the enemies (and multiple player characters?) get in to the game.
Still, you can walk from one end of the level to the other with no noticeable time spent on pathfinding. So, that's working.

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