Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Rat Island feature complete

Ship it!

I've got several of the outstanding (I love both senses of that word - "not yet done" and "amazing") bits done, and my TODO list looks like it's really just polish at this point.

Some stuff I got done today:
  • Credited Dominique Crouzet for the hex art. They class up the place, and the art is CC-attribution, so a) it's a good thing to do and b) it's the right thing to do.
  • Guard combat working - I had built this already; combats that don't respawn and don't let you pass. I just had to allow combats to not have a sprite.
  • Rat King special victory condition - I made a fancy dialog (see the September game for the template), and it wouldn't show up. Rather than debug that, I added special victory text (see above screenshot).
  • Reset the player to the start position if they get defeated.
  • Reset the player's hit points and experience points to the start of their current level when they get defeated.
  • Tinkered with the camera after defeat - the camera should recenter on the player, even if they teleport back to the start. This seems like it's mostly working, but there's an issue if you get into combat as part of a long move (see TODO, below)
  • Made sure that items don't spawn (or respawn) on top of the player, on top of the exit, on top of other items, or on top of the start location.
  • Rejiggered experience ramp - you basically need to kill two monsters of your current level to level up.
  • Added level up/down cheats - just to debug, it goes faster if you're at level 15, rather than actually playing the game.
  • Added absurd levels - this is a game designed for one character, levels 1 - 10. It should say that on the box. (TODO). I added levels 11-20, mostly for my own cheating purposes. But if you're having a hard time fighting the Rat King, you can grind away at some of the level 9 monsters and get an edge.
And, as always, there are some things remaining to do:
  • Deploy - either bring my web server back up (probably reinstalling Fedora 19 along the way), or push to a web host (Amazon S3?). The quick solution will be just to push the game by itself. The longer solution will push all of the bigdicegames.com website.
  • The pathfinder can route you through combat, which can lead to multiple combats in a single "move". I don't think that's a bad thing, but it's weird. A long move through combat also lets the camera get out of sync with the player movement. Perhaps just snapping the camera to the player's location on arrival would fix that.
  • The pathfinder isn't smart - it just does a flood fill to find a path to the clicked location, and can take a long time to find a path. I could add a upper limit to the amount of time the pathfinder uses, and/or implement A* to make it faster. I don't think these are crucial; just don't click far away.
  • When the player arrives in combat, it wouldn't be hard to remind the player what their level and HP are at.
  • Fancy up the title screen - it's fancyish, but I can add more homage references there, including "An adventure for one character levels 1-10". 

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