Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Setbacks, and starting not from scratch

So, it's been a while since I've posted about my compiler project. Projects being what they are, you don't always have steam for everything.

And then, a few months ago, the laptop where I had been doing my development was taken. I can curse the darkness, but it's not as bad as it might have been - I had most of the project checked in to two offsite locations. So, that's nice.

At the risk of Pollyanna, this is an opportunity to verify that I don't have hidden dependencies that I wasn't aware of. So, I'm starting on a new machine, and hopefully, I'll be back to productivity soon.

I've added a Prerequisites page to my development Wiki. (Is that external? I forget. Probably not, or I'd link here.) It's the stuff you'd expect:

  • LLVM 3.6
  • libedit-dev
  • enum34
  • llvmlite
  • PLY
  • emscripten
  • SDL

Ok, maybe not all of that is expected. I think llvmlite's dependencies could be tidied up. And maybe I don't need SDL for everything, but for the Pong sample app, I did.

Once I got stuff installed and cloned the repo down onto my machine, I built the pong demo as a local executable, and it worked great.

I haven't yet rebuilt the web version, but you can play it here, if you like: - I just link it because I keep forgetting where it is, so this is a bookmark for my own purposes. Also, I notice that that doesn't play nicely with my (current) version of the Chrome browser, but it does in Firefox.

Looking back through my checkin log, I see that I had been doing work on my Asteroids tribute sample, but when I try to build it, it looks like gl_tools.c never got checked in, so I get to rewrite that. How hard can that be? Just wrapping stuff like gl_begin and gl_color3f. I should be able to knock that out in short order, maybe tonight.

I'm also noticing that building emscripten targets (like the web version of Pong) is failing, probably due to not having installed certain bits of emscripten.

But, I'm delighted to say that my little test programs for computing factorial and Fibonacci stuff worked just fine.

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