Friday, January 26, 2024

Battletech AI [Part 2/??]: Behavior Trees, an abstract discussion

 In Part 1, I talked a little bit about diving in to the BattleTech project, choosing Behavior Trees as an architecture. In this part, I'll talk a little bit about what Behavior Trees are, and how we used them to issue orders. In a later part, I'll talk more about the actual workflow and implementation.

What is a Behavior Tree?

It's a tree of Behaviors. I suppose it doesn't really need to be a tree - if you had nodes with more than one parent, that'd no longer be a tree, and maybe that makes some sense, like if you wanted to reuse a chunk of your tree elsewhere. But for us, there's a top-level node, and then a bunch of nodes below. I'm basically pushing the important part down to the obvious next question:

What is a Behavior?

In related architectures, the idea of a "Behavior" might also be called a "Task" or an "Action". Let's use "Behavior" here, since the overall architecture uses that in its name. Perhaps it makes sense to look at a big section of the tree as making up a higher-level "behavior", which is fine when you're talking about "attack behavior" or other emergent things that the AI does. But these are importantly emergent observed phenomena and not anything that you can point to in the code.

A Behavior, for our purposes, is an elementary bit of business for the AI to do. It's like a function call that returns SUCCESS or FAILURE (maybe some other values as we get deeper, but at first just a boolean indicating if we succeeded). Examples of this might be "go to <target location>" or "shoot weapon at <target enemy>" or "power off engines" or "stand up". If you imagine playing a game like BattleTech, you could imagine these things being actions you could take on your turn, possibly by clicking on the map, perhaps pressing a button in the UI or on your keyboard.

This feels like a pretty simple idea to start with, and it is. If you've done any programming, you might know about function calls or subroutines, and this is basically the same idea. There are at least two important pieces here that starting here provides:
  • Encapsulation - by putting together a behavior like "shoot weapon at <target>", we're establishing a small space to work in. In this case, we're passing in a target (how that works isn't super important right now). The important part is that there's a lot of stuff outside our little sandbox, and we are deliberately only paying attention to what we need to get our job done. This works on the way out, too: we're returning SUCCESS or FAILURE and not leaking extra information to the outside world. Again, in some cases, we will want a little more flexibility, but this is a useful rule to work with.
  • Success/Failure Results - every behavior will output a success/failure value, even stuff that seems like it would always succeed. This is not a super heavy burden, and simple code sometimes becomes more complicated, so providing this output requirement helps keep things predictable.
The combination of these two makes Behaviors like little Lego building blocks that you can put together, mixing and matching to build your tree, except we haven't talked about how those connections are made, which is the next bit.

Connecting Behaviors

If we have a couple of different behaviors, like "shoot gun" and "eat sandwich", the first thing we might think of to connect them is to put them in a sequence - like "shoot gun" AND THEN "eat sandwich". Implicitly, we want to do the first action, and then, once the first action has completed, we do the other action. Perhaps there's a connection between the two actions that give us a reason to do things in a certain order, and maybe we don't want to do all of the actions all the time. Using the result values from an action can express what we want to do.


Let's now consider the action "shoot gun". Let's say that our gun needs ammunition, and will not work without being loaded. So, for now, let's also imagine an action "load gun". These two actions make sense to group together, so let's connect them as nodes under a parent node to capture the idea of "load gun" AND THEN "shoot gun". This is a good start, but recall that all of our behaviors return success or failure. If I fail to load the gun, I don't expect to be able to shoot the gun, so when I combine these nodes, I probably want the concept to be more like IF I "load gun" THEN I "shoot gun". We're still clear that the shooting happens after the loading, but we're also clear that the shooting is conditional on the success of loading.

The structure we will use to accomplish this is to begin to build a tree. "load gun" and "shoot gun" are each nodes in the tree, and we'll group them together as children under a sequence node. The sequence node adheres to the same interface we built for behaviors - it runs, it returns success or failure. Success for our sequence node is if we executed "load gun", if it succeeds, and then if we execute "shoot gun" and that also succeeds. We walk through each of the behaviors under our sequence node parent, doing them one at a time, and proceeding to the next one. When all of the behaviors have run and succeeded, the parent sequence node returns success. If any of the behaviors fail, we stop this execution and return failure.

So far, our example only has two behaviors, but it's easy to imagine, and easy for the tree to support, having three or more behaviors under a sequence node. All have to succeed in order for the sequence node to return success, if any fail, the parent sequence node reports that the sequence has failed.


A different way we might want to group together behaviors is the idea that we want one of the behaviors to run to accomplish some goal, and we have many possible ways of doing this. So long as one behavior succeeds, the entire grouping has done its job. The earlier example of "eat sandwich" or "eat old pizza" or "cook meal" is that idea - I'm hungry, each of these behaviors would work for what I want, which is to feed myself somehow.

We'll use a very similar structure, grouping the different behaviors together under a selection node. This node will try running each of its children, and for each one, if the child succeeds, then we're done, and the parent selection node returns success, no further work needs to be done. If the child fails, we go on to the next child, try that, and repeat. The first child success is a success for the parent. If all children fail, then the parent returns failure.

This "early return" pattern might remind programmers of how many languages handle AND and OR clauses, evaluating expressions one at a time, left to right, stopping when later evaluations are not necessary. A sequence is like an AND of all its children - do this AND that AND the next, so on. A selector is like saying do this OR that OR the next, one at a time, until one succeeds.

This feels like a neat way to think of a combination of behaviors as being like pieces of a big logical calculation, like you're wiring up a circuit or assembling a flowchart. These aren't bad ideas, and can give us some inspiration of other nodes we might want.


One of the simpler nodes, it has a single child and flips SUCCESS to FAILURE and vice versa. I'll hold off on examples here, as they seem weird. You could assume that you might want to reuse nodes, and sometimes the opposite outputs can be helpful, and that's a good idea for now.

Using Behaviors to Observe the World

Because we have this idea of a behavior being activated and returning success or failure, we can think of actions that don't have any external change in the world, that are essentially just observing the outer world, or even our inner self. Am I hungry? Is my gun loaded? Is there a bad guy nearby? Do I have money in my bank account? All of these questions can be answered "yes" or "no", and so fit well into our behavior definition.

Going back to the eating example, we might think about the trip to the grocery store, which we said would look like "go to store" AND THEN "buy ingredients" AND THEN "come home" AND THEN "prepare meal", but we might want to stick an observation at the beginning, a new node "has money", which seems like a good thing to think about before taking this trip. If I don't have money, I don't even want to go to the store, much less any of the other behaviors. The "has money" behavior node returns success if I do have money, and the rest of the sequence proceeds as expected. If I don't have money, it returns failure, and we can think about doing other things.

Thinking of observer nodes like this expands our idea of what a behavior tree can do - now we group more "active" behaviors together with these more passive observations to ensure that we do things in the right context. An important part of making an AI appear intelligent is to have it properly react to its environment, and the more observations you make, the better you'll be able to ensure that the actions make sense.

Indeed, let's add some more observations to our grocery trip, like "has car" which succeeds if you have a car, maybe we'd want to also have an observation like "car has gas", and it's probably good to have an observation like "the store is open". We can sequence all of these observations along with our sequence action nodes, and if any of the observations is false, we'll save a trip.

I'll loop back here and point out that with observation-only behaviors, it feels a little more useful to have the inverter node from before - we might want to set up a sequence that happens when "car has gas" is true, and elsewhere in the tree we might have another "car has gas" node that we put under an inverter node to express the idea that we're going to do a sequence of actions when we have observed that we don't have gas in the car, maybe we'll go to the gas station.


These are the bare bones ideas of some of the nodes that are often used in Behavior Trees. Lots of people have implemented a lot of versions of these ideas, and I'll get into more details in a later post of what we did to solve some of our requirements. The basic ideas feel pretty foundational and generally useful, but there's nothing stopping you from coming up with variations or brand new nodes. A variation on a sequence might be a randomized selection that mixes up the order that things are done. You might build in "cooldown" logic with a node that fails if it's called within five seconds of the last time it was called.

With the simple behavior interface, you can build deep and broad trees easily, where nodes in a branch combine together to capture larger patterns.

Next Up: expanding the behavior interface

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