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Left of the white circled unit are 4 pixels that constitute an arrow. That's what we're talking about today. |
Longtime readers of this blog may know that I've got a long-term project of making a computer role playing game (CRPG) in my spare time. I've made many many versions of this game already, in various forms, which I liken, in a way, to painters doing "studies" of a work before doing the full project. Call them tech demos, or vertical implementations, or just small versions.
One might hope to put those projects together into one big game, but a) that's not how my projects work b) they're all written in different languages.
My current take on this project is what I'm calling "MicroTwenty" - a small amount of content, but as feature-complete as I can make it. Content always runs away from me, and I love adding in new maps, new monsters, new weapons. So, we'll see how "micro" it is when I walk away from it.
The particular (ha - there's a related block of code called ParticleOrder, but that's not what I'm talking about here) bit of code that I wanted to touch on today was using hex grid "cubical" coordinates to figure out which of six arrow sprites (or three, if you're being lazy and using back-to-front symmetrical arrows) to use when one unit is shooting at another unit.
In a higher-res (read: not retro pixel) graphic style, you could just find the vector from the attacker to the target, and get a quaternion or using arctan to get an angle. And I could do something like that here - I know the target location (in tile space) and I know the shooter's location (also in tile space) - I could totally convert those locations into screen space, find a screen space vector, and do some trig.
There's an easier way, though. If you're familiar with Red Blob Games' Hexagon Grids page, you'll already be comfortable using an integer triple to represent tile coordinates. By subtracting the target coordinates from the shooter's coordinates, you get a vector, again in integer triple space.
I wanted a function that took in a HexCoord (that is, an integer triple), and returned a "Hextor" index; an integer value in the range zero to five indicating the "facing" that the vector was pointing in (starting at East = 0, Northeast = 1, and proceeding counterclockwise, as you'd expect).
My first implementation is this:
private int CalcHextorForVectorSlow (HexCoord vec)
List<HexCoord> bases = new List<HexCoord> {
new HexCoord(1, -1, 0), // East
new HexCoord(1, 0, -1), // NE
new HexCoord(0, 1, -1), // NW
new HexCoord(-1, 1, 0), // West
new HexCoord(-1, 0, 1), // SW
new HexCoord(0, -1, 1) // SE
int maxDot = -1;
int bestHextor = -1;
for (int i = 0; i < 6; ++i) {
var b = bases [i];
int dot = vec.x * b.x + vec.y * b.y + vec.z * b.z;
if ((bestHextor == -1) ||
(dot > maxDot)) {
maxDot = dot;
bestHextor = i;
return bestHextor;
Which is pretty easy to read - it just does a dot product against each of the six "basis" vectors. If you wanted to change things around to have the facings oriented slightly differently, you could rewrite the bases list, and the logic would remain the same.
I reached out to Amit Patel (the man behind the Red Blob Games site), and asked if there was an easier way. He pointed me to this "directions" page which uses simpler math, though trades heavily on the characteristics of cube coordinates.
My implementation of that looks like this:
private int CalcHextorForVector (HexCoord vec)
// from https://www.redblobgames.com/grids/hexagons/directions.html
// Thanks, Amit!
var xmy = vec.x - vec.y;
var ymz = vec.y - vec.z;
var zmx = vec.z - vec.x;
var axmy = Math.Abs (xmy);
var aymz = Math.Abs (ymz);
var azmx = Math.Abs (zmx);
if ((axmy > aymz) && (axmy > azmx)) {
// E or W
return (xmy > 0) ? 0 : 3;
} else if (azmx > aymz) {
// SW or NE
return (zmx > 0) ? 4 : 1;
} else {
// NW or SE
return (ymz > 0) ? 2 : 5;
It's fewer calculations, but maybe a little harder to understand what's going on when you look at it. I mean, documentation is good, and that's part of why I'm writing this blog post.
So, now I can choose the correct 4-pixel sprite of an arrow in flight to get within plus or minus 30 degrees of the arrow's trajectory. Seems good enough for this game.
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